Who are we ?
In 1998, I received a communication at the Temple of Belur Math in Calcutta which directed me towards the study of non-duality and the practice of the philosophy of recognition.
Since the age of 24, I have also been initiated into a Western order which leads to the study of all forms of mystics.
At the same time, I discovered, practiced and studied Tantra in France with Sudheer Roche, a direct disciple of Osho, and embarked on this path for 20 years with him.
I lead workshops in France and Switzerland on Lise Bourbeau 's "Healing of the 5 wounds" and it was in 2010 that I began to lead Tantra workshops.
Today, I offer Tantric courses and accompaniments in France and in Belgium as well as therapeutic accompaniments on desire, the body, eros and the reappropriation of its feminine power in relation to the masculine .
I also offer individual Tantric initiations which are a synthesis of my entire journey.
Florence Thomas
Always committed to a path of personal and spiritual development, it is with great joy and gratitude that I discover Tantra in 2019.
Since then, I walk daily in this path of non-duality which opens me to ever more inner tranquility and deep joy.
I love this millennial tool that questions the wisdom of the body to help us understand where we are, psychically, emotionally, spiritually. What are our limiting beliefs? What blocks, what fears are holding us back...? What stories am I telling myself...? But also, particularly during workshops or initiations, allow yourself to experiment and find ways to reconnect with eros, with our sexual energy -which is our energy of Life-, fluidity and joy!
Learn to know yourself better and welcome yourself fully to find ways of liberating your being and expanding your consciousness.
All this with, always, a lot of sweetness and kindness.
If you want to know more about my other activities (accompaniment around birth and parenthood, therapies, birth relives, singing circles for women, kinesiology...), you can visit my other site: www.florencethomas. be